You don’t have the responsibility to bear everything from me but at least you should notice how I feel.

This is the least thing I hope you can have done.

Maybe I just can’t tolerate anymore…

ks zi zi dou hai ngo ng hoi sum ngo gok duc un zhu un zhu only

from ur pt of view maybe ngo zeng hai mo yea

but mui yat zi nei gum yeung jou hai reduce ngo dui nei ge oi

one day ngo tolerate ng dou / le d pain is bigger than our memories

ngo zeng hai ng g wui faat seng meh si…

ngo ng shg gao dou gum but seems mei wun dou yat gor ho d ge solution

hor lun we both calm down huh wui ho d?

而家你就tum都唔tum 諗住過一陣就會冇事 嗲兩嗲就算 可唔可以唔好懶到咁樣 

其實你見到我覆咁慢 明明就知道我唔開心 但係你繼續選擇當冇野 上心少少好冇 少少都好…